Sunday, September 26, 2010

UGA Tournament -- Quite a win!

This Saturday we caravanned up to Athens, GA, the nest of the evil ones themselves (hah). On arrival, we promptly trashed them in Saber, winning 4 of 4 matches. Foil, the main event for our novice men and women, showed a much greater range of success and failure, but in the end, we prevailed, handily defeating all but 3 matches out of 8. Our novices showed their acumen by defeating UGA novices with little effort, and I personally showed my fail by nearly losing to one, finishing the bout 5-3.

Jordan Herin rocked our entire team over and over. Ow. Whatajerk.

Eric defending our honor against Herin in the final foil match. We lost at an agonizing 45-42.

Unfortunately, our epee team consists of two Epeeists, a potato, and an empty coke can... so we had to improvise. We managed to make two teams by using saberists, foilists, and a bit of can-do attitude. We handily won 3 out of 4 matches thanks to the beneficence of Herin in not joining in the melee.

The end of the tournament came, and we wandered off to a Mexican food place. Noms were had by all, as well as bonding and friendship. Our next meeting on the battlefield against our archrivals u[sic]ga will occur in November, at the (for serious) South Atlanta Conference, where we'll put our pride on the line to defeat them for reals.

Until then, we'll be putting up pictures and traveling about. So stay tunes for further adventures of the Yellow Jacket Fencing Club.

-President Sunshine

P.S. Come back to practice, Epeeists. Lukas is getting bored fencing the potato.

Monday, September 6, 2010

YJFencing Page

We have a new Facebook page! Check it out here!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

First Day

Thanks to everyone that showed up for our first few practices & cookout for making them as fun and successful as they were. We put a whole bunch of photos from our first practice, so be sure to check them out!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Summer Fencers

Hi and welcome to the website for the Yellow Jacket Fencing Club. For all the new members that are not on the mailing list, you can join it by going to and then signing up for the fencing-summer and fencing lists. If you plan to do some fencing during the summer semester, then make sure to join both lists, otherwise just join the main fencing list.

Our practices for summer are from 6-9 every Monday and Wednesday, with beginner lessons the first hour of each. We meet on the fourth floor of the CRC (map). If you are a current student (ie. taking summer classes) then you will have access.

I look forward to seeing everyone this coming Monday!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


New Photo Galleries: We now have pictures from many of our major tournaments over the years, with a completely revamped photo gallery! Look forward to many more pictures in the future!

Summer Fencing: If you have not been receiving emails about summer practices, email Courtney ASAP so she can put you on her mail list. For the next few weeks we will be having our practices tues and thurs from 6 to 9 in the CRC as always. I look forward to seeing everyone there!