Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Fencing Field Day

Back in September, we had a fencing field day. Several fencers gathered together outside of the CRC on Saturday morning and then headed over to Tech Green to participate in the games.

The day started out with lunch on Tech Green followed by games like kickball and cornhole.  Then after everyone had some time to hang out, the competition began! Fencers were split into five teams to compete in the days’ activities.

“Team Number 1”
Jack, Cory, Alex, Maeve and Eric

“The Wombats”
Anthony, Leslie, Nora, Fiona, Vlad
The teams sprinted, spun, and jumped up and down Tech Green as they competed in different relays races.  Some of the relay races were used as practice for some of the Homecoming Events that will be happening soon.

Dizzy Bat Race
Wheelbarrow Race
Then it was on to Tug of War. The teams started out competing against each other, but soon there was some need for weapon rivalry.

Sabre and Foil (left) vs. Épée (right)

After all the games were over, some of the fencers headed over to Yogli Mogli for some frozen yogurt and Just Dance to wrap up the day.

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